About Us

10 Years Caring About You

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Our Mission

Columbus Care Services ®’ main goal is to provide total satisfaction services to our consumers and their loved ones. We put our decades of experiences together for ladies and gentlemen we serve to provide them total satisfaction. Yes we can achieve that goal because we have all the necessary tools (experience, trainings, knowledge, wisdom and commitment).

Yes we can provide total satisfaction because we care; we care not only about the physical wellbeing of the individuals we serve, but also and foremost, their mental wellbeing. We achieve that goal by empowering them through person-centered and self-determination to attain meaningful and healthy life. That is what makes Columbus Care Services unique.

Our Vision

Columbus Care Services aims not only to give supports to individuals with developmental disabilities but also to make them as independent as possible through person-centered programs and hands-on trainings. Choices must be given to our consumers, they have to participate in any decision making concerning their daily lives in connection with their families and/or guardians.

Our goal, physical and mental wellbeing of our consumers.

At Columbus Care Services, sky is the limit.

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