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Join Our Team!

At Columbus Care Services, we hire compassionate, honest and motivated employees to work together for the common good of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Hiring process : 
• Apply to the position you’re qualified for and interview with a Recruiter.
• Interview with a Manager while the Recruiter processes your application.
• Accept job offer and complete the Pre-Employment Drug Screen requirement.
• Meet with Recruiter to be fingerprinted, complete paperwork and provide the following documents:
• Valid Driver’s License or State Identification Card for identification purposes.
• Social Security Card for employment tax purposes.
• Documentation to complete the I-9 Form (ex: Driver’s License, State ID Card, Passport, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, etc).
• Official proof of graduation as required of position.

To get started, fill out the information below, and one of our Columbus Care Services Coordinators will contact you!

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